install prebuild macOS

Exporting Network Variables for macOS Users

*1. Open Terminal. *2. Export the network variable using the commands provided below.

Configuring Your Development Environment with .bash_profile

  • Open your .bash_profile in Terminal:

    nano ~/.bash_profile
  • Add the following lines to set environment variables:

    export PATH="/Users/yourusername/Documents/crust/bin:$PATH"
    export CORED_NODE=""
    export COREUM_DENOM="utestcore"
    export COREUM_VERSION="v2.0.2"
    export COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS="--chain-id=\$COREUM_CHAIN_ID"
    export COREUM_NODE_ARGS="--node=\$COREUM_NODE"
    export COREUM_CHAIN_ID="coreum-testnet-1"
    export COREUM_HOME=\$HOME/.core/"\$COREUM_CHAIN_ID"
    export COREUM_BINARY_NAME=\$(arch | sed s/aarch64/cored-linux-arm64/ | sed s/x86_64/cored-linux-amd64/)
  • Save your changes and exit nano:

    • Press Ctrl + O to write the changes.
    • Press Enter to confirm the file name.
    • Press Ctrl + X to exit nano.
  • Apply the changes to your current terminal session:

    source ~/.bash_profile