Run sentry node

Run sentry node

This document describes the procedure of creating and running a sentry node.

Here you can find additional information about this node type.

  • Check requirements.

  • Install cored binary.

  • Verify that network variables are set up correctly.

  • Set up node prerequisites
  • Set the moniker variable to reuse it in the following instructions.

    export MONIKER="sentry1"
  • Init the node.


    The command will create a default node configuration

  • Install the required util: crudini.

  • Set the common connection config using the doc.

  • Capture the validator peer and ip that this node will connect to.

    Attention! This command must be executed on the validator node. The "$COREUM_EXTERNAL_IP" is configured in the doc", If it isn't set, set it for the node.

    echo "COREUM_VALIDATOR_PEER=$(cored tendermint show-node-id)@$COREUM_EXTERNAL_IP:26656"
    echo "COREUM_VALIDATOR_ID=$(cored tendermint show-node-id)"
  • Set the validator peer variable

    COREUM_VALIDATOR_PEER={Validator peer from prev step}
    COREUM_VALIDATOR_ID=={Validator id from prev step}
  • Update the sentry node config.

    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p pex true
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p persistent_peers "\"$COREUM_VALIDATOR_PEER\""
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p private_peer_ids "\"$COREUM_VALIDATOR_ID\""
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p unconditional_peer_ids "\"$COREUM_VALIDATOR_ID\""
  • Capture the sentry peer that other nodes will use to connect to this sentry.

    Attention! This command must be executed on the sentry node. The "$COREUM_EXTERNAL_IP" is configured in the doc", If it isn't set, set it for the node.

    echo "$(cored tendermint show-node-id)@$COREUM_EXTERNAL_IP:26656"
  • Capture the sentry ID.

    echo "$(cored tendermint show-node-id)"
  • Start the node.

    • Start with cosmovisor (recommended)
    cosmovisor run start $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
    • Start with cored
    cored start $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

    Attention! Be sure that the node will be automatically started after a node restart. Add it as an OS "service", or schedule the start using the tools you prefer.

  • Repeat the operation for all sentry nodes and capture the peers of them.

    Example of peers:

    [email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656

    Example of ids:

  • Go to the validator node and connect it to the sentries.

    COREUM_SENTRY_PEERS="{Sentry peers}"
    COREUM_SENTRY_IDS="{Sentry ids}"
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p pex false
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p persistent_peers "\"$COREUM_SENTRY_PEERS\""
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p private_peer_ids "\"$COREUM_SENTRY_IDS"\"
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p unconditional_peer_ids "\"$COREUM_SENTRY_IDS"\"
    crudini --set $COREUM_NODE_CONFIG p2p addr_book_strict false